Bibliographical Sketch
Gary Charles Menzies
An accomplished pianist, Gary Menzies has fulfilled both
solo and accompanist roles for over twenty-five years. He has performed in a wide variety of
capacities ranging from studio recordings to parades, from television
appearances to sold-out concert halls.
He has studied under Jeanie
Morrison, Ruth McDonald, and Aida Tedder de Bray. His scholarships include the Brevard Music
Center and the Penny Arts Foundation, as well as being selected as the first
recipient of the Atlanta Steinway Society Scholarship under whose auspices he auditioned
for William Masselos at the Juilliard School of Music where he was awarded a
place for further study.
Musical tours have included the Caribbean, Alaska New York,
and London. Previous recordings include
an album of Gershwin music as well as a full program of Chopin works. He recorded material for two CDs released in
November 1999. These include a sacred as
well as a classical release, each containing his most acclaimed arrangements.
He has served as Assistant Conductor of the Atlanta
Repertory Opera Company as well as Principal Improvisation Coach at the Georgia
State University Opera Workshops. Within
the past eight years, Mr. Menzies has been a prominently featured artist in
five Pianorama Concerts at the renowned Fox Theatre in Atlanta.
In the summer of 1993, Gary made his Spivey Hall debut with
his much acclaimed Gershwin concert.
Recently as soloist in a performance of the Rachmaninoff Second Concerto
with the Walton Symphony Orchestra, one critic described him as a “native
treasure.” Gary has also performed with
the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra to rave reviews on three separate
occasions. In April of 2000, Gary made
his debut at Lincoln Center’s Alice Tully Hall in New York, playing Chopin and
Liszt. His Carnegie Hall debut followed
two years later, featuring other classical repertoire. In 2007 he performed at Avery Fisher Hall as
피아노협주자 게리멘지스는 20여년동안 뛰어난 피아노 연주자로서 다양한
피아노 독주 또는 협연의 경력을 갖고 대중의 사랑을 받고 있다. 멘지스는조지아주립대를 졸업하였으며 지니모르슨과 구스 멕도날드 그리고 테더드브레이등 뛰어난 음악적 스승으로 부터 전문적인 피아노 음악의 기량을 사사받았다.그는 애틀란타 스타인웨이 소사이어티 장학재단의의 최초 스컬러쉽 수여자로서이름이 알려지기 시작하였으며, 줄리어드음대 대학원의 음악 프로그램으로유명한 윌리암 마셀로의 사사로 오디션을 통해 뛰어난 최우수의 입상 경력을갖고 있다. 대중에게 알려진 주요 음악경력으로는 거쉬인 뮤직과 쇼팽 전곡을녹음, 대중으로 부터 친숙한 연주로 잘 알려져 있다. 또 애틀란타 페퍼토리오페라 컴파니의 부지휘자 및 조지아대학 오페라샵의 주요 즉흥연주자 교수로활동 한바 있다. 지난 8년동안 메지스는 5개의 조지아 애틀란타의 팍스 티어서피아노라마콘서트에 출연한 바도 있어 다양한 음악회의 피아노 연주자로각광받고 있다. 그는 최근 피아노 독주자로서 라흐마니노프 제 2콘체르토 등의연주를 한바 있으며, 이를 통해 많은 비평가들의 음악의 천재성을 평가 받기도하였다. 개리 멘지스는 최근 3개의 중요한 음악회를 통해 애틀란타 필하모닉교향악단에서 연주활동 활발히 참여하고 있다.