John Kang is a 14 year old cellist attending Collins Hill High School. He has been a member of the Gwinnett County Youth Symphony, Kendall Honor Orchestra, and Georgia Music Educators Association’s All State Orchestra for the past 3 years. 

He has also been a part of Creek land's Honor Orchestra and Exclusive Orchestra, performing for the In-Service Conference at the Savannah International Trade and Convention Center GMEA sponsors. 

John Kang has also participated and placed in competitions such as the Georgia Music Teachers Association String and Instrumental Concerto Competition and Bach Competition. 

He enjoys teaching cello, playing at nursing homes, and performing with the Saehan Bethel Choir and the Saehan Emmanuel Choir. Kang hopes to continue his cello studies and musical career throughout his life.

최종 오디션에서 선발된 차세대 첼로연주자 ' '꿈이 펼쳐질 

가을 열린 음악회




차세데 첼로연주자 죤강이 꿈을 펼칠 가을 열린 음악회


올해 14세인 죤강은 콜린스힐고등하교 1학년 학생으로 지난3 동안 귀넷카운티 청소년협주단및 켄달 명예교향악단 그리고   미주 조지아 음악협회 연주회원으로 활동하였다죤강은 크릭랜드 명예교향악단에서 GEMA 후원 프로그램과 사바나 국제통상컨벤션에서 연주자로 참가하였다.


죤강은 또한 조지아 음악교사연합회와 현악경영대회및 바하 경연대회에도 참가하였다죤은 첼로교습에관심있으며 양로원방문새한 베델 합창단  다양한음악활동에 참여하고 있다앞으로 첼로연주자가 꿈을 갖고 있는 차세대 음악꿈나무이다. 그리고 바하경연대회에도 입상한 경력이있다.

죤 강은 로마아카데미(원장 이태환)에서 Justin Dougherty선생님으로 부터 사사를 6년째 받고있다.



John Kang is a 14 year old cellist attending Collins Hill High School. He has been a member of the Gwinnett County Youth Symphony, Kendall Honor Orchestra, and Georgia Music Educators Association’s All State Orchestra for the past 3 years. 

He has also been a part of Creek land's Honor Orchestra and Exclusive Orchestra, performing for the In-Service Conference at the Savannah International Trade and Convention Center GMEA sponsors. 

John Kang has also participated and placed in competitions such as the Georgia Music Teachers Association String and Instrumental Concerto Competition and Bach Competition. 

He enjoys teaching cello, playing at nursing homes, and performing with the Saehan Bethel Choir and the Saehan Emmanuel Choir. Kang hopes to continue his cello studies and musical career throughout his life. 



  Concert Information  
   11/1/2015 - Fall Open Music Concert for Peace & Ha..
Background History Now in its 11th year, the non-profit Min Pak & Atlanta philharmonic Inc was established in 2004 by Min H. Pak, the principal of the Atlanta Conservatory of Music, serves to encourage, develop and facilitate an enriched environment of artistic, creative and cultural activity in metro Atlanta. The Atlanta Conservatory of Music was established in 1993 ad organized the Atlanta Youth Philharmonic Orchestra. …
   Peace & Harmony Orchestra
On a rainy Sunday evening on the first day of November, Min Pak and the Peace and Harmony Orchestra gave a performance at the Infinite Energy Center. The concert was sponsored by the Seoul National University Alumni Georgia Chapter to benefit the youth music education and featured several accomplished, talented performing artists such as Gary Menzies on piano, Chun Mi Sun on piano, and Felix Farrar on violin. Also featured were mezzo-soprano Helen Yu …
   Piano Gary Manzies & Dr Andrew Edwards ~Guest Con..
Independence Day Special Concert "Rhapsody In Blue" will be performed live by special guest, the very talented, Gary Menzies, on the piano, together with our guest conductor, Dr. Andrew Edwards. There will be a lot more performances that you surely wouldn't want to miss. Brought to you by Atlanta Philharmonic Orchestra, Inc. So save the date! July 7, 2018 at Infinite Energy Center (Theater). Don't forget to get your tick…
   Thank you for your support !!
   K-Opera "Spring Spring"
K-Opera "Spring Spring" It’s spring~ It’s spring~ A Creative Korean Opera~! Yu-jung Kim’s short story "Spring Spring" Composition: Kun-Yong Lee Music Director: Hyun-Ji Yoon Conductor: Min Park ~ You’re Invited! ~ In honor of the 100th anniversary of the March 1st Movement, we invite you to "Spring Spring," the first ever Korean opera performance. <Performance Details and Special Guests> Based on a novel of…
PEACE & HARMONY OPEN CONCERT 2017 KOREAN MUSIC FESTIVAL Atlanta Philharmonic Orchestra Conductor: Min Pak OCT 7 (SAT), 8:00 PM at Korean-American Association Cultural Center in Atlanta Address:5900 Brook Hollow Parkway, Norcross,Ga 30071 Classical, Art Songs, Jazz and pop and Korean traditional music. Please come Join Us~! The Atlanta Philharmonic Orchestra, Inc. (Non-Profit, 501(c)(3)) and Direc…
   2018 New Year Concert- Peace & Harmony Concert 평..
2018 New Year Concert- Peace & Harmony Concert 평창 동계올림픽 성공기원 음악회 Please send your resume/profile with a video clip showing your performance if you would like to joining us at concerts in 2018 to
NEXT GEN, CELLIST --JOHN KANG John Kang is a 14 year old cellist attending Collins Hill High School. He has been a member of the Gwinnett County Youth Symphony, Kendall Honor Orchestra, and Georgia Music Educators Association’s All State Orchestra for the past 3 years. He has also been a part of Creek land's Honor Orchestra and Exclusive Orchestra, performing for the In-Service Conference at the Savannah International Trade and Conve…
   Memorial Peace & Harmony Concert
-Appreciating to Unknown Heroes-
Independence Day Special Concert "Rhapsody In Blue" will be performed live by special guest, the very talented, Gary Menzies, on the piano, together with our guest conductor, Dr. Andrew Edwards. There will be a lot more performances that you surely wouldn't want to miss. Brought to you by Atlanta Philharmonic Orchestra, Inc. So save the date! July 7, 2018 at Infinite Energy Center (Theater). Don't forget to get your tickets …
   2018 Concert for Peace and Harmony Celebrating the..
2018 Concert for Peace and Harmony Celebrating the Pyeongchang Games Thank you to all who came out to the Atlanta Philharmonic Orchestra’s February Concert for Peace & Harmony -- a celebration of the Pyeongchang Winter Games! We cannot thank you enough for the support you showed us Friday night. With your continued support, we promise to grow, build, and bring you bigger and better programming. Our mission will always be to help create opport…
   Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Thank you for loving Atlanta Phil Orchestra. I look forward to a creative program in the new year. Thank you!
   2019 K-Opera "Spring Spring"
미주 초연 K-Opera "봄봄" 봄~ 이네~ 봄~ 이야~~

대한민국 창작 오페라! 김유정의 단편소설 <봄봄>, 이건용:작. 곡 윤현지:음악감독 박. 민:지. 휘 Atlanta Phil’ Opera Orchestra * 초대합니다 * 2019’ 3.1절 100주년인 새봄을 기념하여, 신년 K-오페라 "봄봄"연주회를 공연합니다. 오셔서 자리를 빛…
   Veterans Appreciation Concert
Independence Day Special Concert We will remember you, veterans! Commemorating all the Heroes who has fight for our peace and harmony in UN & Korean War. Come and celebrate their braveness and freedom that they have sacrificed for! Show your thankfulness to veterans and enjoy all variety music classical, traditional, gospel and much more unforgettable memories! "Free VIP tickets for UN & Korean War…
   Piano - Gary Menzies
Piano - Gary Menzies Bibliographical Sketch Of Gary Charles Menzies An accomplished pianist, Gary Menzies has fulfilled both solo and accompanist roles for over twenty-five years. He has performed in a wide variety of capacities ranging from studio recordings to parades, from television appearances to sold-out concert halls. He has studied under Jeanie Morrison, Ruth McDonald, and Aida Tedde…
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Ticket & Donation


Concert Information
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
“꽃피는 산골 울긋불긋 꽃대궐… 그 속에서 놀던 때가 그립습니다”
우리 가곡 선율에 코로나 시름 날린다
우리 가곡 선율에 코로나 시름 날린다
Thank you for your support !!
* 토메 박 신자화백 "수묵화" 전시회 K-Arts fest: Korean Traditional Fine Art Exhibition*
HAPPY New YEAR! 2020❤️
Nicholas E. Wheeeler compositin Recital 2019
K-Opera "Spring Spring"
마당극 오페라봄봄"
2019 K-Opera "Spring Spring"
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!